Frank Baldus - Southern California Branch of Open Air Campaigners (OAC)
By His grace, the Southern-California Branch of Open Air Campaigners (OAC) has been continuously serving the Lord for 60 years. Our primary focus is the more than 13 million souls residing in Los Angeles (LA) and Orange Counties. We currently have two Brothers on staff in our branch, plus a faithful team of volunteers. You can usually find us sharing the glorious Gospel at beach locations on Friday nights in Orange County and on Saturday nights in LA County. On those evenings, we take advantage of one of our most effective tools, a portable black-light, to draw people in to hear the Good News. Since 1982, our branch has also conducted a Wednesday-afternoon children’s Bible club in a known gang-area of Santa Ana. Throughout the year, we often partner with local churches at evangelism outreaches around the holidays. Additionally, our staff regularly represent OAC at missions and children’s ministry conferences.
Some of the ministries who we partner with include Released Time Education (, Child Evangelism Fellowship (, Living Waters (, and Calvary Curriculum ( We also conduct evangelism training as requested. Occasionally, we’ll travel with local churches, partnering to share the Gospel, on mission trips outside of our primary focus area.